Tuesday, April 19, 2005

His Eye Is On the Sparrow

This morning I left for work begrudgingly. I was so discouraged after yesterday. I had two meetings today, so my work day was cut short, and I have so much to cram into the time I am at work. So I was not looking forward to leaving.

It was about to storm, the big, black clouds rolling in. Of course, the drops started before I even got to the car, all over my files and my hair.

And I got in the car, and started out the driveway. I was stunned to see two glorious rainbows. They filled up the sky. You could see from one end to the other, two concentric bows of brilliant color.

I called the house from the car (It was raining! I wasn't going to brave the rain, even for a few steps!). L answered, and before I could tell him, he said, "Mom! Look out the window! Do you see the rainbows??!! Aren't they beautiful?"

Of course they were. And I knew they were a sign to me that I was not going to drown.

Then I got to thinking: Who am I that He would send a rainbow just for me? Am I that special, is it really ALL ABOUT ME?? But then I remembered one of my favorite songs that we sing in church. It makes me cry every time:

I sing because I'm happy,
I sing because I'm free;
For His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

'Let not your heart be troubled,'
His tender word I hear,
And resting on His goodness,
I lose my doubts and fears,
Tho' by the path He leadeth,
But one step I may see;
His eye is on the sparrow,
And I know He watches me.

If he watches every sparrow, he can send me a rainbow.

And guess what, when I got to work BOTH meetings cancelled on me. My day is freed up again.

And so is my soul.

Hope you are feeling free today, also.

1 comment:

lightfeather said...

Feeling free and listening to a desert quail on my fence calling to his buddies, "hey this gal's got the goods in her feeder!"

Found you by way of Rosie..great posts! BTW...I cannot go to Walmart either! No specific reason, just because.