Sunday, May 29, 2005

The Day After

I had a great birthday. Thanks for all of your birthday notes!

B gave me a really beautiful bouquet of flowers, it is really pretty. It loads of flowers, but I especially love the calla lilies-- they smell heavenly.

We did try some stargazing, and it was magnificient. However, after about 10 minutes, Bubba's dogs started barking. That in itself was not the end of the world, but then he came out and started shouting at them to get back inside (yes, you can hear all of this as it echoes through the valley in which we live). When they wouldn't come in, he got in his truck and proceeded to drive all around to get them back in. After about 15 minutes, I was so irritated with the dogs' barking, his headlights flashing on my house, on me, all around, and then finally something caused the motion light to go on. I'd had enough, so we went inside.

I did see a satellite in that small time period, and a bazillion stars. : )

P.S. Bubba is not his real name. It's just a name that, for me, conjures up an appropriate image of the man behind the name.

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