Monday, May 30, 2005


Okay, before I bump it down, I have to be sure that I call your attention to my previous post about my kids seeing my blog. Help me out!

I am pretty lucky in that my birthday usually falls on the Memorial Day weekend. When I was younger, I was a baton twirler, and I usually led the parades in my hometown. I always joked that I led a parade in my honor, as many times Memorial day fell on my birthday.

But I digress.

So I celebrate my birthday weekend. My dad is never very good at remembering birthdays. Well, let me say that he has always called me on my day, and never actually forgotten the day. But he's not a big birthday advance planner (sound familiar?). So the day gets here and he is always apologizing all over the place because he hasn't sent me a card or gotten me anything. And I really don't care.

In fact, I really don't care if people remember late. It's not about hating my birthday, it's more about dragging out the celebrations! If you get all your presents on one day, then the next day is a little weak, right? So if you get your presents spread over a few days, you get a new toy, and then when the shiny wears off, you get another one!

I didn't get toys, but this year was the year for flowers. First, B got me these:

(and this was taken today-- they are just stunning, the calla lilies smell as good as a baby!)

And yesterday my friend Jen came over and brought me these:


And today, my boys went for a walk down by the creek and L brought me back a bouquet of tiny purple flowers. I don't have a picture because the cats immediately knocked the bouquet over and scattered them everywhere. But it was a wonderful gesture-- he woke me up from my nap (which should have been over anyway) with a bouquet of flowers he had just picked. : )

And later I saw this guy on my back step. (An Eastern Meadowlark)

I gave Major a bath today, he was damp when I put him in his stall. I will be sure to take a picture of him when he is dry, I hope he is really slick, black and noticeably clean. I am sure he will immediately find his way to the dirt pile for a good roll when he is next out in the pasture.

I can't remember a day this good in so long. Happy Monday, Happy Birthday, and Happy Memorial Day.

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