Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Scooby Stallion

Remember when you were little and you watched Scooby Doo (I think it's still on, even)? One part that I always thought was funny was that part when they would be in the haunted house and they would walk by the spooky old portrait, and the eyes would move and watch them walk by. Like someone was behind the wall, looking through the painting with the eyes cut out!

Well, we have something similar at our farm. The spooky stallion stands in his stall, and he has a boarded up window in his stall. The board must have had a knot in it, and the knot deteriorated, and so there is this hole. He puts his eye up to the hole to watch the horses outside (he can't be outside in the pasture with Cleo). You can just see this big brown eye looking out, with some hair over it.


So I go outside to take his picture. Of course, it took forever for me to get him to do it, and even then, his eye isn't up close to the hole. But he is extra-willing to stick his nose out of the hole:


Then, as I am making this fuss about "something," the other horses notice, and they come up to see what is going on. Pecos had to stick his nose into the situation:


The situation went downhill from there. : )

Isn't this a great picture of Don Pecos' eye? You can see into his soul.


A neat picture of Cleo and Pecos just dozing and hanging out together:

Cleo has this fascination with toes. She had never really seen toes, because most people who come into the barn are wearing boots or sturdy shoes. Well, at my house, there have been occassions where I have had to run into the barn on my way to somewhere. I recall the first time, I ran out there in black strappy sandals, we were on our way to a wedding. She put her nose down (she could see my toes under her stall wall) and was like, "Oh, my goodness! You don't have a hoof! What are those goofy, wiggly things??? Ever since then she has been really fascinated with shoes and toes. So today I had on some garden slip on shoes, since I was just running out to take a photo (yeah, right). She was investigating my shoes, and I slipped my shoe off and wiggled my toes at her:


Now off to stargaze in the hammock.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Beautiful Pictures

Take Care