Tuesday, June 14, 2005

The Answer

Well, it's a darn good thing that Michael knew the answer, since he was the ONLY one who posted a guess! I can't believe that all of you other 45 people that stopped by yesterday didn't even give it a try!

The noise I heard the night before last was a Barn Owl. Actually, I thought it was a Screech Owl myself, but come to find out, Screech Owls don't really screech! Barn Owls do. They are endangered in Iowa, so it is nice to know that one is living at our house. He is quite welcome here, though I wish he would contain his screaming to daylight hours.

It really sounded like some sort of crime had been committed outside of my window.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Barn owl, how nice! I believe they have a fake barn owl that screeches every so often at ISU to scare away the crows and new students.

Kitt and I live in the 80's, so we can't download much over dialup. Sorry we couldn't venture a guess. :-)

- Michael Knight