Saturday, July 23, 2005

incredible wisdom

I read a lot of blogs. B says I am addicted to other peoples' blogs. But I am such a people watcher. I have a funny story about that:

I was living in England, and making a concerted effort to get involved with the people in our community. We decided to send M to British school, and I joined the PTA. While involved in the PTA, I met some wonderful friends, Amanda and Tracey. One day we were over at Mandy's house and all of our kids were playing together. They were getting wild like kids do, and Mandy looked over and shouted at the group of them, "Pack it up, you lot! Somebody's going to lose an eye!"

For some reason, I found that absolutely hysterical. That the entire time I was growing up in Wisconsin, listening to my mother put the fear of God in me about losing an eye to my frivolity, someone else was hearing that from her mum half a world away. And we'd both grow up and use it on our own kids. We all had a good laugh and speculated that at that very moment, some woman in Russia was shouting at her kids and cautioning them about losing eyes.

But I digress. I read many peoples' blogs, and I glean a lot from them. Michael referenced Red Clay's blog, and I have never missed a post since. This young woman has a wisdom well beyond her 20-something years.

A few days ago she posted something that I cannot get out of my head. I thought I would share it:

"...i felt sick and grumpy and wanting lots of things
my mind said to me:
your life is not your own life
and then immediately everything changed
and i felt okay and good even
i forget how burdensome entitlement is
how burdensome a life all about me is

i need these thoughts said in my head during the day:
be Christ to people
my life does not belong to me"


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