Thursday, July 28, 2005


my nine year old son
learned to shoot a .22 a couple of weeks ago.
raced some go-karts
tried to skateboard
(on vacation, where i was not present, and couldn't worry)

this week
he has learned to crochet
and is crocheting us all scarves
for the 100 degree heat.
can't be too prepared
the weather could change...

secure in himself,
my renaissance man.

my daughter
the "special ed kid"
carries more baggage than a 747

having a tough time right now
we all are-
adolescence is hard.

my daughter
the one who did miserably
on her standardized tests
who hates math
who hates her teacher

my daughter
made the A honor roll.


Michael said...

I like this style of post. A cool read.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Would L. be up for making a scarf for P.? Her favorite color is pink. Maybe put a "P" on it too if that's possible?

P. would be L.'s friend for life!

- Michael Knight

Anonymous said...

You see..."All things are possible." Could anything be more heartening?