Wednesday, August 17, 2005


This morning I got up at the same time, even though I don't have to work. I'm going to the fair early to help M polish Major's harness (lots of brass pieces).

I do have a little extra time, so I took it slow when doing my chores. I love that, because I have more time to stop and smell the roses, so to speak.

Today Mark had caught a mouse for her kittens, well, the older ones. The younger one is about 4 weeks younger than "her" kittens (the little one she stole from her mom, remember?) and not yet ready for mousing. The little girl kitten was ruthless! She dragged that carcass around like it was first prize! She attacked it, rolled it, shook it, basically killed it all over again. : ) The little boy was a little less savage, as he was busy killing crickets, hopping around just like them!

After they ate the mouse, Mark busied herself with bathing (of course), while the littlest kitten nursed. She was the picture of motherhood as I noticed her, eyes-closed, nursing her kitten while the boy kitten attacked her tail mercilessly. She's got it handled.

What a good mommy! Mousers-in-training.

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