Sunday, December 04, 2005

A word about Flickr & my photos

Some of you, who shall remain nameless, have complained that I do not have my photos organized well. I have since remedied that situation by adding tags.

Photos on Flickr can be organized in "sets." That is, a group of photos on any given theme. I organize my sets by date-- "monday in the barn" or "horse and buggy days." The barn photos may be of all the animals, and the horse and buggy photos may contain horses and people. If I create a slideshow and link to it on my blog, I have to leave that set intact, or the link will be invalid.

I have rectified this situation by assigning a tag to each photo. For example , the "monday in the barn" set may contain photos of horses, goats, the llama, and people. They would get uploaded in the set, and remain in that set, but have a tag that is unique to their subject. So, in a month, you can go back and search for "goats" or "ernie" or raven" and you will get a list of photos with the relevant subject matter.

Here is a link to the page with my tag list. If you think of a better tag for any of them, let me know.

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