Wednesday, January 25, 2006

C'etait un Rendez-Vous (avec le privé)

So yesterday B turned 38. It was a great day for a birthday, and I made him chicken and dumplings to celebrate. His favorite. He bought his own birthday cake this year, at his request. He bought cheesecake from the Cheesecake Factory.

I bought him, among other things, the movie C'etait un Rendez-Vous. Of course I love it because it is French, and it has great views of Montmartre, where we stayed in Paris. But it's a stomach-turning car racing movie-- all 9 minutes of it. We bought the DVD online, of course, and when it came, it had come loose inside the package. So, L and I decide that we need to open it up and watch it and make sure it was not damaged in shipping, before giving it to B for his present.

Well, it was fine, and L was riveted. I asked him why he thought the guy was speeding along through the streets of Paris at breakneck speeds. His answer?

Because he had to go to the bathroom.

What a romantic.

(B loved the movie!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

L is so smart! My friend and his dad have both talked their way out of speeding tickets with that excuse...

They had to go to the bathroom.

- MK