Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Gadget Mania

I am big fan of gadgets. About the time I went back to work in 2001, I began to acquire as many gadgets as I could get my hands on. Cell phone, palm pilot, lots of computer peripherals. I have always embraced technology. I’ve scaled back a bit since then, but I still love technology.

Even here in our rural lifestyle, technology has been invaluable. While I hate the fact that we have spotty cellular service at our house, I do appreciate that I don’t need a land line installed in the barn—I can usually be reached via cell phone, even outside. I have made no secret of my enjoyment of wireless internet access via my laptop from the hammock! And where would I be without high speed internet via satellite?

My iBook itself has been my right arm. I look up anything and everything goat-related on the internet. I have found other folks in my situation with whom I can network and learn a lot.

My car’s CD player ate my CDs, so instead of replacing the factory CD changer ($$$), I just bought a $150 iPod and use the cassette interface. Voila! Instant music, many more songs, and no need for a CD player. Plus, I can use it when I mow the lawn.

This week my car is in the shop getting fixed (from the recent non-traumatic accident). I have a rental car, a Mazda 6. I used to have a Mazda, and I liked it fine, so nothing against Mazdas, but this car is just run of the mill. I would never buy it, though I don’t hate it.

But this car has one feature that I absolutely CAN’T live without in any new car I get! One feature that I am lusting after, after tasting it for three short days! A feature that when it is gone, I will feel so deprived without! And that feature is: radio controls on the steering wheel.

When it comes to changing stations on the radio, I am like a man with a tv remote. I have a long commute, so I often talk on the phone, and there is a handy mute button right on the steering wheel. You can flip between channels, adjust the volume, even change between AM/FM/FM2/CD. Oh Heaven!

I must have it for my own!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Steering wheel controls are rad. KITT has this feature. :-)

- MK