Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Home Alone

So this summer, both kids will be home, at least part time. L will go to daycare on the days they go swimming, and he has football camp and band lessons…

But today there was nothing. Just the two of them, the dogs, cats and a list of chores. One was to clean the back porch, which involves sweeping it and neatening up the boots/shoes out there.

Remember last year, when I got the frantic call from M that Bub’s head was stuck in the jar?

Well, I had a dentist appointment this morning, and called B in advance to tell him to be listening for the kids to call—if they called my phone I would not be able to answer, being in the dentist chair and all. They know to call him if they need something and can’t get ahold of me.

Sure enough, the phone vibrated three times while I was in the chair, and I was wondering what crisis could possibly have occurred that would warrant three calls in less than 30 minutes—that B couldn’t handle! Immediately I checked the multitude of voicemails left for me, to find out that there was a snake in the house! Come to find out, it was only on the back porch, which is technically not in the house. But it had slithered down to the basement to hunt for mice. I hope it ate its fill and slithered back out again. M said it was about 3 feet long.

L did not have to clean the back porch, he got out of that chore for the week.

I have won the award twice now for the best reasons to pack up and go home early;

1. My cat’s head is stuck in a peanut butter jar
2. There is a snake in my house and it’s holding my children hostage.

What next?

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