Monday, July 24, 2006

full of beans

This weekend was busy, as I noted. Our lawnmower is broken, which on the one hand is the perfect excuse not to spend time mowing the lawn! On the other hand, my dad is visiting next weekend, so we need to get busy... B needs to repair the starter. However, I may become the small engine expert.

It has been so nice after the recent oppressive heat. On the one hand, I have been inclined to spend time outside in the nice weather, but there is something to be said for hanging out on the couch with the gorgeous breeze passing over you. Admittedly I spent a little time doing that yesterday.

Aside from that, and shopping, and all of the other Sunday-mundane orders of business, I did head out to the garden and begin the weeding. It's amazing that one's crops can suffer in the heat, yet the weeds seem thrive. Why can't we raise weeds? And with all the technology we have, can't they create a way to keep weeds out? On the other hand, we stay away from those pesticides and altered stuff. Anyway, I didn't get much weeded, as I was sidetracked by the huge crop of green beans. I planted them in succession, so I wouldn't have a bumper crop all at once. So the first five bean plants yielded me over a gallon ziplock bag of green beans. The peas will be ready soon, as will the corn. Also, I have a huge crop of tomatoes, but I fear that the tomato hornworms have had their fill, and the crop will not be as prolific as it could be. We have been picking them off, and I believe that the birds have come along and helped, but much has been destroyed. It's amazing the amount of devastation that they can wield in a few hours.

Okay, off to say good morning to the furry kids, and then to work. : )

Oh, the new doeling is doing well, settling in. She has a weepy eye, however, and I am troubled by that. I have given her antibiotics & B complex, and she is eating and pooping well, so fingers crossed... No name yet.


Iowa Greyhound said...

Just curious, how did the mower break?


Smukke said...

I found ya ;)

I thought of you this week because my local newspaper had a story with a huge picture of some local family that raises alpacas. It made me wonder if they have to jump through huge hoops to keep their alpacas happy and penned, as you do with your 'kids.' I'm also betting that while it's nicer to tend animals here in the not-very-cold winters, it is probably no fun at all to deal with cranky animals in our hot, humid summers.

Anyway.... nice to see you as goat mom. Give your best little rascal a handful of goat treats from me heh