Monday, August 28, 2006

Burning the Candle at Both Ends

It is another one of those weeks. We are just swamped with things to do, since we are showing our goats this weekend. I am so nervous about it! I think I clipped Aurora too short, and Cindi is too wild and bossy, and oh, well, we'll just have to see. I have a shopping list a mile long, and have to stop for something on the way home every day after work.

Work? What's that? Something I try to ditch as often as possible, but for some reason they just don't seem to understand when I don't get my stuff done...

I will definitely take pictures this weekend, hopefully we'll have a ribbon or two to show for it. In any case, and I totally mean this, we will have a most excellent judge. It's a small town, county fair, non-ABGA sanctioned show. But the judge is an ABGA sanctioned judge, who really wants people to succeed. He has given impromptu clinics following shows before, so I am hoping for a lot of good insight to help me with the show on September 9th. L will show his goat, and I am just as excited and nervous for him as I am for me.

I am also working on a new business website for our farm. My mom brought me some gorgeous, really high quality business cards, and I have been handing them out. So I want a webpage that really looks slick to go along with the professional image we're trying to present. I'm enjoying it, but it is way time-consuming. I'm composing it in Joomla, which is something I know *nothing* about. Although I know a little now... : )

Happy Monday.

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