Friday, January 26, 2007

I Kid, I Kid!

Actually, I am not kidding. But we do have a goat that is about to kid any day! I did not mention that we have two new girls, Precious and Tango. We now have three that are going to kid this spring, as Cindi is bred as well. Precious' due date is Saturday, and Cindi's is March 4. Tango has been ultrasounded, and is pregnant with twins, but nobody saw her being bred, so her due date is unknown. By looking at all of the goats, I would say that the date is somewhere between the two, maybe mid-February.

So, given the concern for being with the girls while they kid, we have been focusing the efforts during our scarce free time into crafting a barn cam. It would be very helpful for me to be able to view the cam while at work, so that I can keep tabs on them and come home if needed. It's also a long way to the barn when it's 10:30, freezing cold outside, and you're in your pajamas. Or 1:30 am and you wake up in a cold sweat just KNOWING she needs you out there, but you really don't want to leave the comfort of your bed.

Our barn cam is experiencing HUGE issues, however. First there is the issue of the metal barn. Then there was the connectivity between the barn and the wireless router in the house. Now we are having problems with me being able to view streaming video while at work. It's one thing after another. However last night we were able to keep a stable video connection between the barn and the house all night. We all slept like babies, Precious and Tango in plain view (and plain voice!) on my nightstand.

Again, I am concerned becuase I am at work today, unable to view them. But if we can just make it a few more hours, then we have the whole weekend... Keep your fingers crossed for me!


Iowa Greyhound said...

Your barn cam project is so awesome! Keep with it! I'm thinking about a Long Nose cam after you work out the kinks. :-)

CorkysMom said...

OHHH, I can't wait to see the lil ones!!!! I hope they come soon! I love the idea of the goat cam!