Tuesday, July 03, 2007

MK's Meme

In order for the black magic spell not to be cast upon MK, I am helping him out by playing along with his meme. His answers will be infinitely better than mine.

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.

Eight Facts:
1. Three of my friends in college (two of them suitemates) are on television. One is a relatively famous actress, and the other two are reporters/anchorwomen. I have some good blackmail on the actress... ; )
2. Once upon a time I had my nose pierced.
3. I used to teach English as a second language.
4. I was detained (but not arrested) by the police as a teenager for "parking."
5. I had my tonsils out when I was 18, and I brought them to school in a jar of formaldehyde.
6. I was a baton twirler for years, and used to lead the parades every holiday in my hometown.
7. I like snakes (not for pets, but just in general). I used to catch salamanders all the time when I was a child.
8. My first car was a 1967 Camaro. My dad hopped it up for me and put a corvette engine in it. It was fun! (My children will be getting Yugos or Fiats when they drive!)

Tag, you're it.

1 comment:

Iowa Greyhound said...

Lol on #4!

And...what's wrong with Fiats? :-)