Monday, July 30, 2007

My Secret...

I have a new blog-crush*! It used to be dooce, and I still adore her-- and subscribe to her RSS feed and read her the second I am notified of her post. However, I have found the dooce of the farm! Her name is Pioneer Woman, she has a huge following, and she is my new hero! Go check her out. She puts my writing to shame, so hopefully you'll be back after reading her.

*Blog-Crush defined (courtesy of Sizzle)

So, I've been asked what technically IS a Blog Crush? It'd likely include some, if not all, of the following:
A) You can't wait to read what they post next.
B) You want to be friends with them.
C) You think they are the cat's meow. Meow!
D) You might find them attractive- physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually, whatever floats your boat.
E) If you met them in person, blushing might occur.

I've been reading, reading, reading her archives. I can't think that I would find her attractive, but I do love her writing. And I would not blush if I met her in person. But I'd offer to take her to lunch just to listen to some of her crazy tales!

She was a presenter at the BlogHer convention this past weekend in Chicago, which I wanted to attend, but life (and goats) got in the way. Maybe next time.

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