Tuesday, October 23, 2007


I went into our tiny little town today to do an errand. I decided to wash my car at the car wash/laundromat, and as I was hosing off my car in the new facilities (they just put a carport over the drain at the car wash), I was watching the people go by. I saw the 7th grade boys walking home from football practice, folks walking their dogs, parents coming out of the IGA with the ingredients for supper. I smiled when I saw a combine go by, just driving down the main street of our little town. Nobody's head turned, not any big deal at all. It was a comfort-- somehow that big combine driving down the street, turning nobody's head just made me smile and snuggle up into my community. Strange, I know, but that's me. :)

I am in my homestretch of my busy time with work. It is easier this year as I am taking medication for ADHD and am able to focus on the important things and put pen to paper and work on the tasks at hand. My medication is not a stimulant, however, and provides the added benefit of "taking the edge off of the anxiety" as my psychiatrist so eloquently pitched it. And it does.

I have alternated between feeling comfortable enough to rely on my experience at my job (aside from the time off when the kids were smaller, I have done this job since 1990), and feeling the old pangs of anxiety. However, I am not in the fetal position! I have not shed tears! That may seem like baby steps, but it's progress over last year, and I will take it!

Think of me these last few days of this week. I'll be busy, out of town, out of the safe, snuggled community that I love, and away from the family that means everything to me. My client is not my favorite, has been highly critical in the past, but it looks to be an exciting and successful event-- this side of it. So, though I am swimming upstream, the end of this week marks the end of my crazy month at work. And I look forward to some R&R next week.

Keeping my eye on the prize...

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