Saturday, May 24, 2008

It was only a dream!

I woke up this morning having had a terrible dream.  My dream wasn’t about the loss of anyone I love, thank God, but I had a dream that we sold our farm and moved into town.

Our “new” house was an old house, and on 8.8 acres (why do I remember that?).  I have no recollection of why we sold it, and the whole process of “saying goodbye.”   I just recall the vivid dream about moving into the new house and looking at the neighbors’ homes all around (our land in my dream was a long and skinny patch).  I started sobbing, and asking “What about my goats?”  Of course, dreams are not rational, as in my real world I would have thought in the normal course of homebuying I would have ASKED about the goats before signing my life away!  However, it was very significant to me to feel the pain of finding myself somewhere other than where I am now, even in a place that would have been heaven to someone else (large tract of land, big huge trees, lots of shade, a paved road!).  I was devastated.  I sobbed and cried and begged to move back.  I repeatedly wailed, “I made a mistake!  This is horribly wrong!  Is there any way we can move back?!” 

Sometimes I can wake myself up from a dream, or tell myself in the dream that I shouldn’t worry, it is only a dream.  Not this time.  It was very real, and when I woke up with tears on my face, they quickly turned to tears of joy!  I’m not going ANYWHERE!!

I hugged B and told him I had just had the most horrible dream.  He mumbled a consolation and told me to go back to sleep…  (not a morning person)

Instead, I came downstairs and am enjoying the quiet, cool morning.  I can hear the raindrops on the roof of the bathroom (served as a back porch in another life, before bathrooms inside were necessary).  I am curled up under my snuggly blanket with three cats on the couch.

I need to go out for morning chores, and I am a little late.  I think the animals will forgive me as I sit here just being thankful.

1 comment:

Iowa Greyhound said...

Aww, your home is so great, no wonder that was a nightmare. So much more character than a McMansion.

Aren't dreams crazy sometimes?