Tuesday, April 05, 2005

There's No Place Like Home!

I got in about 10:30 last night. I was dog tired, having been on my feet for 20 hour days the previous 4 days. I was not used to the honking in Manhattan-- the only honking I ever hear is from the geese! So I didn't sleep well. New York was fine. It was a good chance to get my "city fix" but there is NO place like home.

A funny story: One of my clients is from Vienna. The last time she and I had a chance to sit and talk was in Bermuda in 2003, and we talked about our kids, our spouses, etc. I don't usually get involved personally with them, but every once in a while you meet someone that you could really get along with and you push the envelope a little. So we had a nice talk. This year she asked me about my "cat" (no plural) and I told her about the move and the farm, and the additional cats. I asked her if she had ever seen the movie "Bridges of Madison County" and she had. She said it was her and her daughter's favorite movie! I told her I lived in the midst of Madison county and all of the bridges. It is funny, someone who has never been to the midwest can picture my house and surroundings because of that movie. She said she was jealous, and would love to visit. I just might have her over!

i drove up, and the horses were out. Major neighed at me angrily, and I went over to see him. Instead of coming up to the gate to meet me, he turned his back to me and wouldn't come up to me! He was so mad!! I loved on him a little, and just like a typical man, he came around with a little snuggling. : )

Today was about 70 degrees, and I rode for a long time. It was wonderful. I am still really busy, I have another meeting next Monday-Wednesday, but I have been really blessed to be able to come home, take a break and ride, spend time in the barn, etc., and then get back to work (from home) after the kids go to bed. It has made my stress level much more manageable.

Speaking of that, I have a boatload of work to do...

Glad to be back. Oh, and it's SO green here! I can't believe the difference in the few days I've been gone!

1 comment:

Michael said...

Welcome home.

Loved the bit about Major giving you the cold shoulder.

Take Care