Saturday, August 06, 2005

what's new?

You're probably wondering what's new around here. Well, not much, and that's a good thing!

My dad is visiting this week, so I expect to have a lot of fun. We're also going away for the weekend next weekend with him, and we plan to have a great time.

In anticipation of his visit (and those kind people coming to care for the animals in our absence) I have been cleaning and streamlining things around here. B bought some metal bins for the goat feed and we cleaned up all of the hay that Pecos tossed around the barn.

The kittens are just adorable. They stalk the bits of hay and the crickets, and battle each other in fun. I could sit there and watch them for hours!

We have had to goat proof another gate, Ernie and Bert were browsing peacefully in the pasture on Friday, and B remarked how we had successfully goat proofed it. Yeah, right. That was his mistake right there! Not five minutes later, Ernie had escaped out from under the gate. So I put some fence panel up over the gate. I let them out today, and it seemed to work. I snuck back into the barn to do the horses' stalls, and I was busy working and noticed them in the barn. They had crawled under the gate that goes over the barn door during the day! They are like little houdinis! So it's back to the drawing board...

B was in an accident today! He and L are lucky to have escaped unhurt! They had come from Menards with a load of stuff off of "the list" (doesn't everyone have that list that they are always adding to?). He had my car, an SUV, and the right front tire became flat. He didn't know it at the time, but the tire pulled him over in the gravel at the side of the road. He corrected his steering, and when he did, the car was launched into a violent spin. It spun into the oncoming lane (there were no cars on this usually busy road, thank goodness), and a complete 360 degree turn around, and stopped about 4 feet from a road sign. The tire was torn from the rim, but that was the only damage (oh, and my iPod's FM cable was destroyed, as it became wrapped around the steering wheel!). L was reading his Harry Potter book, and barely noticed what was going on (thank goodness!). B was able to pull the car out of the ditch and onto the side of the road. He was only a few miles from the house, and I came to help him and just be with him. It was very, very scary. His guardian angels are weary today...

Hope you're enjoying the weekend...


Michael said...

I glad nobody was hurt.

Take Care

Anonymous said...

Everyone at Knight Industries is relieved that B. was unhurt. He definitely had the most interesting weekend story at the office on Monday.
