Sunday, September 04, 2005

constellation consolation

i had one of those days. the days you don't look forward to having. we went to a new church (the highlight of my day), did a crappy errand, and then i came home and put away six tons of laundry. then i searched for my passport. when I was done, i had found the passport (whew!), and about 3 bushels full of trash to burn (i am a record keeper, but i admit that i was really taking it too far). then i made supper.

then i went to the barn, and said my goodnights. i rescued a toad from a sure fate of being cat food, and he thanked me by peeing on me.

but then, we spent the last half hour outside, hammocking. what an amazing view. have i said that before? we saw a bunch of shooting stars!

it made my day.

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