Wednesday, January 18, 2006


Ernie is such a little shit. We just can’t keep him in! We made the feeder, the “fix your wagon” feeder, which made him angry. He did get over it, but the only reason he got over it, I suspect, was because he got his graph paper and pencil out when I wasn’t looking, and plotted his next attack.

Yesterday I came home, and he was out. He had just jumped the side of the pen. I have no idea how he did it, as the one side is at least 9 feet tall, and there is only a small opening between the top of the gate and the header. Bert was inside of the feeder—you know, the one we constructed so that goats could not get inside. Everything went to hell in a handbasket.

So today, B went into the barn and Ernie had torn the top length of fence off, and had jumped out. He must have stood on top of the feeder for hours tearing the length of fence apart, then jumped over and got the alfalfa.

That alfalfa must be heavenly, since it seems as though it’s worth spending your days calculating the big breakout. On the other hand, with Ernie, you never know. It could be the thrill of pissing me off.

Well, you have to hand it to the kid, he has accomplished his goal!

Next we will move him and Bert to the stall that Joe and Cindi occupy. They hold horses, so with some chicken wire to give it some more height (a LOT of chicken wire), they should be contained. Now let’s hope that Joe and Cindi stay in the pen…

You can rest assured that I will continue to update on this developing situation.

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