Monday, May 08, 2006

Business is Booming!

And we don't even have a product yet.

Okay, it's not booming, but B has had some inquiries at work about buying market kids. He wears his "Wear d'Esprit" to work, so a lot of people know he has meat goats.

Now I don't know whether to hope for girl or boy kids next spring. Oh wait, I guess I'm putting the cart before the goat-- we need to get some DOES around here to breed Wolfie to! I never do anything in the right order.

We have been busy in the barn this weekend. B is working on a new pen for Ernie, and has constructed a beautiful pen for Wolfie. He is also going to put in a third pen, which we will use for a future goat, or for now, an extra pen. It will be so nice to have more space.

I will take pictures when it's done!

Other than that, it's just business as usual. These days it's all about sex and poop. Major and his new Lady are honeymooning and enjoying themselves, and everyone else is making a lot of poop for me to clean. ; )

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