Sunday, August 20, 2006

Things I Learned at the State Fair

1. Battered, deep fried snickers bars are really not that good-- they are just one of those things that are so over the top. You know, like something that someone would use to (unsuccessfully) try to impress someone else.

2. If you are wearing a shirt that says, "I'm an Asshole" I'm likely to believe you.

3. If you are showing a lot of skin, people are going to look at you. And it may not be the kind of looks you are soliciting.

4. In that same vein, the more skin you have, the less you should show.

5. Large hair, that which might be used to smuggle familes across borders, is not in style. In fact, it has been out since the 1980's. However, some people are unwilling to accept this fact.

The fair was a great learning experience.

Oh, and our "mentor" (of sorts) won a gazillion classes at the show today. They were premier breeder (they bred the most winning goats, regardless of who owns them now), and they won premier exhibitor, meaning that they won the most awards. Their goat prices just went up! Woo hoo! We'll have three of their babies when it's all said and done.

1 comment:

Iowa Greyhound said...

After visiting the fair, I saw that in 2006 mullets are still being worn.