Monday, March 26, 2007

Did you think it would get better?

Well, think again. It did NOT get better on Sunday.

We prayed hard at church for a more productive day, but it did not come to pass. Our first indication of that should have been when we came home from church to find our power out. It was out for about the next 2.5 hours. Fortunately, it was a gorgeous day, so the outage was mostly just an inconvenience, if a bit worrisome (food spoilage). It came back on again for about an hour, and then went out again for about 2.5 hours. It seems to be on now...

B fixed the dryer. But it has some other problem which makes it continue to stop. I think that it did need the belt replaced, so it was not a waste of effort. But we need to still babysit the dryer, and I'd like to find out what the problem is. Thermostat? Motor? Timer? It might be time to call the repairman. Not because he can't fix it, but we are wasting a lot of time in diagnostics, plus we don't want to put money into unnecessary parts.

The drain is still clogged. He did get it all back together yesterday, but the pritchard teat is still clogging (I am CERTAIN that's what it is). He went to get a plumber's snake (probably a good idea for us to get one of those), but the hardware store was closed. Of course it was. So the sink is still full of standing water.

Our church is building an addition, and they have extra scrap wood. We can use it all for pens and for fixing an outbuilding that we are planning to repair this spring. The wood is beautiful and very sturdy. There are even some 20' boards that will be incredibly helpful for building pens. The items are free for the taking. Except that our pickup truck battery is dead. DEAD. DEAD. DEAD. Won't even take a jump from my car. So we crammed as much as we could into the back of my SUV. And broke some of the interior plastic on the back of my car.

In the morning I had to rassle with Cindi to get her milked. I was wearing some low-rise jeans, which gives me plumber butt when I sit on the bucket to milk her. She reached around to give me a wedgie and tore the lace trim off of my underwear. Little brat. I can't put her in the fitting stand because she won't go voluntarily, and I can't lift her. She gives me more trouble than the buck.

So Sunday did not pan out to be very productive. I did chores at about 8:00. The kids ate at 8:30 and had to have grilled cheese because I was so miserably behind.

Lest you think that Monday would be magical, B called me from his way to work and told me that he hit the neighbor dog on his way out.

1 comment:

Iowa Greyhound said...

Hang in there! Plumbing problems are awful.

At least it's not -8 any longer. :-)