Wednesday, May 09, 2007

It's gonna be hard...

As I have mentioned before, I have the flexibility to work at home when I need to. L is sick today, recovering from a upper respiratory infection, and it's my turn to stay home with him. No big deal, except I have work to do at work and at home. It's 70 degrees (on its way to 77), the birds are singing, the goats are out romping, and I hear no other sound. I am looking forward to sneaking in a work break that involves hanging clothes on the line and maybe even mowing the lawn. But, my wonderful husband, when he was home with the sick boy yesterday, put my hammock up. Curse him! (Bless him!)

So now I am on the fence. Maybe I'll take a personal day. Goodness knows after my meeting last week, I NEED one!

Wish me luck.

Oh, here are the pictures I promised of Duke.

1 comment:

Iowa Greyhound said...

A hammock would totally corrupt me too.

The one thing I wish my house had was silence. There's always a lawnmower or motorcycle to be heard. :-) I'm jealous.