Friday, December 24, 2004

I'm so lucky!

Last year during the holidays, as I do every year, I took extra time to reflect on those things which I am most thankful for. While I did not write down those things I considered last year, I believe my list went something like this:

My family
My health
My church family
A warm, more-than-adequate home
Reliable transportation
A steady, rewarding career, that affords me great flexibility with my family
More modern conveniences than I deserve

This year, I am thankful for so much also. But it is amazing how my list has changed:

My husband. An amazing, wonderful, patient partner, who loves me in spite of my shortcomings, and does his best to complete me perfectly. There is no more perfect soul mate for me.

My children. Two people who constantly challenge me to be the best I can be. I marvel every day at their progress as they grow toward responsible, mature, self-actualized people. Each is their own individual, with particular challenges and strengths, and they rise to those challenges in their own way.

My animals. B always says that he sees the face of God in his animals. I couldn’t agree more. There is an old cliché saying about how a person prays to be the person their dog thinks they are. Animals have only basic needs, and it’s amazing how heroic you are to them if you just provide those needs. It’s not hard, and it’s wonderfully rewarding. I love them all so much, even the darn barn cats! I am thankful for them because they make me rise to the occasion. Also, because of them, I have learned so much.

My extended family who is very supportive, including our church family.

I am still thankful that I have an amazing place to live, a great job, and a reliable car. However, I would add to the list this year:

Friends who love me for who I am, and expect me to be nothing more
Caring, compassionate neighbors
Plenty to eat
Extra blankets
Hot water
Wool socks and mittens
Waterproof boots
Indoor plumbing

I am spending this day focused on contentment. Just thinking about me, and every action being peaceful and working to bring peace to others. There are too many bills, I haven’t bought everything for Christmas dinner, and I haven’t finished my shopping or my Christmas cards. There is plenty to stress about. But I do that every other day. So today I will give myself permission to have a break from it, and I will focus on peace.

I wish a peaceful, thankful, content day for you, too. Merry Christmas.

1 comment:

Michael said...

Hey Lucky

Just breezed by to wish you and your family a Merry Christmas.

Take Care