Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Your Grade in Farming 101: F

I have failed Farming 101.

I have become too attached to my animals. I have failed to let nature take her course.

First it was the barn cats and giving them their little house with Egyptian Cotton Sheets.

Then it was rescuing the kitties next door and giving up my entire Christmas vacation to dote over Val and nurse him back to health.

Now, it seems that Bub, one of BB's barn kittens has a broken leg. It was devastating for me to see and imagine his (now properly known as her) pain. I think she was in one of the horses' stalls, and she was stepped on. I took her to the vet today, and he advised inside rest and recovery. It seems that the only option is to let it heal on its own, or to have surgery to put a pin in it. That is surgery that he does not/cannot perform. He is my vet, and I trust him and his judgement. So the only answer is to keep her resting inside the kennel in the house. And she is there now.

I spent my evening last night sobbing about my kitty. I have failed to distance myself.

I can't help it, I just can't stand to see an animal suffer. They are pure souls, who ask for nothing in return but love and care. And the barn cats don't even ask for that.

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