Monday, August 22, 2005

maybe the news isn't so bad...

Well, the other day when I was freaking out about the sky falling, I told you of my propensity toward knee-jerk reactions.

Don't get me wrong, 9 potential sites or not, when they tell you there's a chance that the paradise at which you live has a 1/9 (or in my case 3/9) chance of being underwater, you should probably sit up and take notice.

So today I checked latest news (abbreviated and edited for some semblance of privacy) with credit to the local paper:

"Should conventional wisdom prevail, it appears that at least five of the potential sites for a new Madison County lake could be ruled out.

Five of the proposed sites are located in row-crop rich Madison County.

Five of the sites in northern Madison County are located on either the XXX River or the XXX River.

Site A: 2,050-acre lake

In xxx Township on the XXX River could provide a lake of about 2,085 acres. The drawback, as mentioned above, is that there are substantial row-crops planted in the area. That would require probable secondary and tertiary impoundments and buffer strips for the water to filter through before it runs into the main lake. (The soybeans are staying!!)

The percent of row-crop as it compares to percent of permanent pasture in the watershed will definitely be one of the factors which weigh heavy in any decision about a new lake.

(A popular nature attraction) is adjacent to the site and there is also a nearby quarry. The proximity to the quarry could create a barrier in that water could potentially leak out of a lake. An estimated 20 homes would have to be re-located.

Yes, yes, a BAD, BAD choice!!

Site B: 1,825-acre lake

Again, there is highly productive farm ground around the potential watershed. There are also an estimated 20 homes which would have to be relocated. An active quarry in the watershed is also seen as an expense which could make that site less favorable than others.

Yes, a TERRIBLE choice!!!

Site C: 1,035-acre lake

This proposed watershed contains some of the best and highest-priced farm ground in the county. There also would be about 18 homes to re-locate.

Awful decision! Don't do it!

With those five sites taken out of the equation — at least for now — it leaves four potential lake site.

There is one potential site which appears to hold the most promise as officials prepare to continue to examine all the sites.

That’s a site which is east of Winterset and north of Patterson (only one home would have to be relocated).

Good, good choice! Excellent! Brilliant!!

As the lake selection process continues, more detailed information about each of the sites will become available."

Let's hope conventional wisdom prevails.

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